Available courses

Paramétrage de DHIS2  Donne Tracker

Paramétrage de DHIS2 Donne Tracker

Ce cours vous apprendra les bases de la configuration du système DHIS2. La formation se concentre sur les concepts de conception clés dans DHIS2 et couvre les meilleures pratiques en matière de configuration et de maintenance d'une instance de haute qualité de la plate-forme

Conception et paramétrage de Donnees Agrege
Fréderic Aubin Bertin DENGOU MOBONA

Conception et paramétrage de Donnees Agrege

Ce cours vous apprendra les bases de la configuration du système DHIS 2. La formation se concentre sur les concepts de conception clés dans DHIS2 et couvre les meilleures pratiques en matière de configuration et de maintenance d'une instance de haute qualité de la plate-forme.

Paramétrage de DHIS2 - Gabon

Paramétrage de DHIS2 - Gabon

La formation se concentre sur les concepts de conception clés dans DHIS2 et couvre les meilleures pratiques en matière de configuration et de maintenance d'une instance de haute qualité de la plate-forme DHIS2

Design for Data Use - Level 1 Kigali Dec 2023

Design for Data Use - Level 1 Kigali Dec 2023

About The Design for Data Use Academy:
The Design for Data Use Academy in health and beyond will focus on the relationship between good design principles and how they affect a user’s interaction with the analysis tools in particular.

The Design for Data Use course will therefore provide good knowledge and skills in DHIS2 design & customization, data analysis and presentation as well as DHIS2 maintenance expertise.

Course Description:

This training targets DHIS2 technical leads and implementation support personnel that will be configuring and supporting aggregate systems directly. The Academy is meant to bridge the divide between configuration of DHIS2 systems and the effect this has on the use of data within DHIS2

The training will have an emphasis on working with the maintenance app to implement features that support the use of data and the analysis apps to review the effect of these features. Systems assessments and standard operating procedures will also be discussed.

Learning objectives:

  • Define the concepts associated with best practice DHIS2 system design
  • Outline and apply strategies for maintaining a DHIS2 system over time
  • Evaluate the effect that grouping of metadata has on creating analysis outputs
  • Create controls to ensure users can access the information they need
  • Configure metadata that will support end users in their analysis of data
  • Implement concepts that support long-term, robust DHIS2 design over time
Welcome to the Heart of Africa in the Country Of Thousands Hills

Design for Data Use - Level 1

Design for Data Use - Level 1

About The Design for Data Use Academy:
The Design for Data Use Academy in health and beyond will focus on the relationship between good design principles and how they affect a user’s interaction with the analysis tools in particular.

The Design for Data Use course will therefore provide good knowledge and skills in DHIS2 design & customization, data analysis and presentation as well as DHIS2 maintenance expertise.

Course Description:

This training targets DHIS2 technical leads and implementation support personnel that will be configuring and supporting aggregate systems directly. The Academy is meant to bridge the divide between configuration of DHIS2 systems and the effect this has on the use of data within DHIS2

The training will have an emphasis on working with the maintenance app to implement features that support the use of data and the analysis apps to review the effect of these features. Systems assessments and standard operating procedures will also be discussed.

Learning objectives:

  • Define the concepts associated with best practice DHIS2 system design
  • Outline and apply strategies for maintaining a DHIS2 system over time
  • Evaluate the effect that grouping of metadata has on creating analysis outputs
  • Create controls to ensure users can access the information they need
  • Configure metadata that will support end users in their analysis of data
  • Implement concepts that support long-term, robust DHIS2 design over time
Welcome to the Pearl Of Africa



Ce cours est destiné aux agents de saisie qui seront en charge de l’encodage des données de surveillance des maladies au niveau des formations sanitaires et des sites sentinelles.

Ce cours s’adresse également aux agents du niveau central ou régional qui seront en charge de faire l’analyse des données enregistrées, afin de mieux les outilles avec des connaissances pour effectuer une bonne analyse des données et ainsi faire des retours aux agents de saisie pour améliorer la complétude des rapports et la qualité des données

Il décrit étapes par étapes le processus de saisie, les différents types d’analyse des données et de visualisation des performances sous forme des tableaux de bords.